I am actually seeing four ambulances

I don't hear anyone with a bullhorn exhorting the crowd onward. It seems very much kind of individuals yelling, chanting, displaying flags and pro-Mubarak signs and Mubarak pictures.

But beneath me, I am actually seeing four ambulances which are stationed very close to my location, which I suppose are treating anybody who happens to come from the pro-Mubarak side. If somebody is injured on the anti-Mubarak side, I don't think they would be allowed -- I don't think they would risk coming through the pro-Mubarak crowd because, again, there are a number of individuals in that crowd who are clearly looking for a fight and are looking to get a punch in whenever they can.

MALVEAUX: Anderson, we're going to come back to you.

Obviously, our own Anderson Cooper, anchor Anderson Cooper, there on the ground in Cairo watching all the developments. It has turned into a violent and chaotic scene there on the streets of Cairo.

Coming up after the break, we're going to talk to former White House official Jamie Rubin about what is next here. What do the people in Egypt do, in the region? Is there anything that the Obama administration can do at this point to try to quell the violence, a smooth transition for President Mubarak, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and whether or not this is the kind of thing that will continue in the hours and the days to come?

Par dresses222 le mercredi 03 août 2011


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