among honorees at Chicago State

Lunch Time - Media sis Darlene Hill, FOX Chicago's Peabody Award-winning reporter, is among honorees at Chicago State Univ.'s Scholarship Luncheon, "Essence of an Angel: Creating Opportunities for Angel Scholars," on April 3 in the Emil & Patricia Jones Convocation Center. Other honorées include Monique Brínkman-Smith, vice president and managing director, Northern Trust Co.; Carolyn Clift, senior vice president and first diversity officer. Health Care Service Corp.; Neffer A. Kerr, CSU student trustee; and Angelita Perez, ComEd's managing director of external affairs.

Proceeds from the U.S. Cellular-sponsored fundraiser will provide scholarships to CSU students who are single moms and who will also be recognized for their accomplishments and contributions to CSU 's community. Special feature: works by renowned artist Samuel Akainyah.

Blues Brunch - The ladies of the Lake Shore Chapter of The Links Inc. bring blues to the South Loop when they host "An Afternoon of Nothing but the Blues" on April 3, 1 p.m.-5 p.m., at the Marmon Grand to raise funds to continue their community service projects which are primarily focused on Chicago's West side. The Sunday brunch, expected to attract over 400 guests and emceed by Art Norman, retired NBC journalist, will feature entertainment by three -time Grammy nominee Billy Branch and the Sons of Blues Band beginning at 2:30 p.m.

Par dresses222 le mardi 09 août 2011


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