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The protestors haven't called for the end of Mr. Assad's regime, Red Strapless Chiffon Short Prom Dress chants of revolution have been a feature of the unrest. It is hard to predict what will happen next, observers said. "It is a wait-and-see situation," said Abdel Ayman Nour, a Red Sweetheart Neck Beaded Ball Gown dissident who runs the All4Syria website from abroad. "Many demands are local but it is not yet clear whether they will be met. If they are not, the situation could escalate."

Although the demonstrations don't appear to be coordinated, information networks are growing. A new daily digest of links to videos and media reports on the protests is Prom Dresses 2011 circulated via email. Activists in other areas of the country say the public's sympathy for the protesters is growing. On Monday, hundreds of people in Deraa attended the funeral of 23-year-old Raed al-Kerad, a victim of Sunday's violence, chanting "No more fear!".

Analysts say Mr. Assad will have to take more action to stop the protests from spreading. "Bashar al-Assad will need to offer more concessions to keep people happy," said Homecoming Dresses Western diplomat in Damascus. "But there is a question mark over whether he can do that quickly enough." With demonstrations failing to catch on in larger cities, some analysts are predicting that the regime can hold on for now. Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, said "the government is going to do what it always does.




Par dresses222 le jeudi 11 août 2011


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